Resources for Providers

When given the option of perinatal hospice support 
as an alternative to terminating a fetus with severe problems, 
in one study as many as 85 percent 
of parents chose to continue their pregnancies

Perinatal Hospice

Medical journal articles and professional resources for caregivers
Perinatal hospice and palliative care is an innovative and compassionate model of support that can be offered to parents who find out during pregnancy that their baby has a life-limiting condition.

Practice Recommendations for Obstetric Sonographers

When Parents are Considering or Pursuing Perinatal Hospice and Palliative Care for Their Baby Who Has Been Diagnosed Prenatally with a Life-Limiting Condition

Guidelines to use when speaking with parents who have received a potentially life-limiting diagnosis for their fetus or child. 

Adapted from Keith Barrington MD

Resolve Through Sharing Bereavement Services

Resolve Through Sharing Bereavement Training represents the "gold standard" in perinatal bereavement education

Resolve Through Sharing Position Paper on Perinatal Palliative Care